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NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Music City Center now offers guests more quiet spaces designed to improve focus and well-being in the busy convention center environment. The innovative structures are called Nook pods.
“The size and activities of our events vary greatly. Attendees thrive on those group activities, but also appreciate quiet workspaces,” said Music City Center President and Chief Executive Officer Charles Starks. “It’s important we meet the needs of our guests, and these pods do just that.”
Originally designed in the United Kingdom, Nook is a multi-purpose mobile pod built to support productivity and inclusiveness with personal space, noise reduction, and select lighting.
Music City Center installed six “Huddle” Nook pods outside traditional meeting rooms and halls throughout the building. Each pod features bench seating, a tabletop workspace, an electrical outlet, and overhead lighting.
“Our guests are reimagining and reutilizing lobby spaces in much different ways,” said Music City Center Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer Elisa Putman, “so we continue to add different type seating to make the experience more comfortable and able to do business.”
“This is our first ever installation into Nashville,” Nook Pod USA Principal Stewart Brown said. “We've only just installed them and they're already in use, so people need that moment.”
Touted as a “sanctuary for everyone,” Nook is a neuro-inclusive certified autism resource. Pods are currently installed in several professional sports stadiums, college football stadiums, schools, and other various shared space facilities across the country.
To view a video of the new nook pods, visit the Music City Center YouTube channel at
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